1430 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63103
North City
4231 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63107
North County
Refuge & Restoration Marketplace
Leaders in Addiction Medicine
6-Month Private Outpatient Program
Designed especially for individuals who are employed or have other daily obligations and require a high level of flexibility in a treatment program schedule.
The individual is able to carry out most daily activities but has identified that symptoms impair their daily lives. Individuals may attend as many groups a week as needed, with a flexibility of days and times.
Clinical interventions include individual and group psychotherapies, case management, and medication management. Individuals are highly motivated and appreciate the flexibility of this program. A family support group is available for family or significant others seeking support and education regarding their loved one’s addiction.
Services Included in the 6-Month POP:
Medical Detoxification – Physical History, Blood Work, Urine Drug Screen
Comprehensive medical evaluation by a physician – follow-up visits areas needed, based on diagnosis and medication regime
Prescription of detox and anti-craving medications.
Treatment of Co-occurring disorders – Psychiatric assessment
Individual Therapy – weekly
Marriage and Family Counseling with Family Therapist
Nursing Consult – weekly or as needed; medication management, adjustments/refills
Administration of Vivitrol injection as needed
Random Urine Drug Screens
Aftercare planning for chronic illness
Drug Screening/Breathalyzer
The following information describes the depth of treatment interventions and activities consistent with the intensity of the 6-Month POP:
Education: Specific family/relationship issues and beliefs surveyed, how symptoms specifically impact individual and specific plan of action or ongoing treatment, skill refinement and changes, understand how changes occur and impact daily living; safety plan required as needed.
Self-Assessment: Continued refinement of self-awareness and ability to change; explore and develop an understanding that change as a person is constant even though successful changes have occurred, more changes will follow.
Coping Self-Care: Refining daily life structure of bed/wake times, leisure/exercise routines, ability to monitor/recognize symptoms and utilize skills to prevent relapse, request help, seek support, or encourage others to offer ideas and solutions.
Interpersonal Communication: Continued activation of skills, use of support system, and processing events with counselor and support system.